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Assumptions When Starting A Business

What Must an Entrepreneur Assume When Starting a Business? (Let's Explore the Top 10!)

Joshua Julien Brouard

Joshua Julien Brouard

01 March 202414 min read

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What Must an Entrepreneur Assume When Starting a Business? (Let's Explore the Top 10!)

Embarking on the entrepreneurial path is akin to setting sail on uncharted waters.

It's a journey filled with joy, excitement, some challenges, and immense potential.

(But don't worry, no seasickness!)

To navigate this journey successfully, entrepreneurs must assume a range of responsibilities and develop certain mindsets crucial for their businesses' growth and sustainability.

This article delves into the fundamental assumptions that every entrepreneur must embrace before their official business launch.

1. Risk and uncertainty: An entrepreneur's closest associates.

Richie Sharratt Headshot

“As a business owner/co-founder, I believe that risk and uncertainty are part and parcel of starting a business. In fact, I'd argue that they are, strangely enough, the fun and exciting parts. Risk is what drives people to take the leap in the first place and ultimately succeed.” - Richie Sharratt, CEO of ProductivityGO

I put this as number 1 because it is, in fact, the most relevant variable!

According to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania: 

"Risk aversion is a predictor of whether an individual will become an entrepreneur (low-risk aversion) or stay an employee (high-risk aversion.)"

Embarking on an entrepreneurial venture is inherently risky, making risk and uncertainty an entrepreneur's closest associates.

Having a brilliant business idea is not enough:

Entrepreneurs must not only brace themselves for potential setbacks and failures but also view these challenges as integral parts of the journey.

Developing a risk-taking mindset is essential but must be underpinned by effective strategies to mitigate potential risks.

Such a mindset involves navigating financial risks, ranging from initial capital investment to managing fluctuating revenues.

Entrepreneurs must also be adaptable in the face of market volatility, ready to pivot strategies in response to economic shifts and industry trends.

(I'll get into this in detail as well!)

Equally important is understanding and adapting to shifting consumer preferences, which can dramatically impact a business's success.

Balancing this risk acceptance with a proactive approach to planning and problem-solving is critical.

Entrepreneurs who succeed often turn potential risks into opportunities, using them to innovate and differentiate their business in the market.

In this light, risk and uncertainty are not just challenges to endure but catalysts that can drive creativity, resilience, and, ultimately, success.

Looking for new business ideas? Read our “Best Business Ideas for 2024 According to 10 Successful Business Leads.”

2. Financial commitment: The expenses never seem to end!

“Assume you will be making less than what you were earning at your last job. I was making good money at my last job but wanted to earn more, but to take two steps forward I had to take a step back. Remember, you are a steward of your company's finances. Don't pay yourself more than you have to, especially in the first couple of years.” - Michael Alvarez, Owner of Omega Roofer.

At the heart of every entrepreneurial venture lies the critical aspect of financial management.

It's likely the most dreaded and worried over aspect.

(Finances: Creating high blood pressure since the birth of entrepreneurship.)

But at the end of the day, the ability to secure and effectively manage finances forms the backbone of any successful business.

Entrepreneurs need to excel in budgeting, ensuring that every dollar spent brings value to the business.

This financial prudence extends to acquiring funding – whether it's:

  • Tapping into personal finances and savings
  • Taking out loans
  • Attracting investors

Moreover, maintaining a healthy cash flow is not just about managing expenses; it's about strategic planning for future growth and unexpected challenges.

Entrepreneurs must be prepared for the financial ebbs and flows of running a business.

They should be constantly balancing between investing in growth and maintaining enough reserve to weather lean periods.

This financial commitment is an ongoing process, requiring continuous attention and adaptation.

(It also wouldn't hurt to take a financial management course or two — you can do so anytime on platforms such as Coursera.)

3. Time and effort: Beyond the 9-5

“When it comes to time and effort required to start a business, you should expect to spend at least three times as much time and ten times more effort than what you expect walking into becoming an entrepreneur. It's going to consume all of your time. The payoff is worth it, however.” -Daivat Dholakia, VP of Operations, Essenvia

Entrepreneurship is not just a career choice; it's a lifestyle that demands extraordinary commitment in time and effort.

While many think they're getting away from the "grind," this is often far from reality.

Especially in a business's initial stages, entrepreneurs often invest long hours, well past the typical 9-to-5 workday.

This commitment is driven by the need to oversee multiple aspects of the business, including:

  • Product development
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Sourcing
  • Customer service
  • Public relations
  • And more!


The journey of building a business from the ground up requires personal sacrifices, often in the form of reduced personal time and leisure.

But don't worry: this commitment evolves as the business grows in line with a solid business plan.

While the initial phase might demand more hands-on involvement, entrepreneurs need to shift their focus to strategic planning and delegation as the business stabilizes.

However, the requirement for substantial time and effort, albeit not as much, remains constant.

This makes it a defining aspect of the entrepreneurial journey.

Did you know: Research from the Alternative Board found that 63% of business owners work over 50 hours a week!

4. Learning and adaptability: Keys to survival.

“Entrepreneurs need to be adaptable. The business market is always changing, no matter what your niche. If you're unable to adapt to the latest trend, you're likely going to fail. However, if you can adapt, you're going to be able to change with the times, no matter what, and will see success.” - Dan Gallagher, VP of Operations, Aegle Nutrition.

In the ever-changing world of business, an entrepreneur's ability to continuously learn and adapt is not just beneficial; it's essential for business growth and success.

Rapid technological advancements and evolving market trends characterize the modern business landscape.

Successful businesses know that staying informed about these changes is crucial.

(Have you heard about accelerating "change"? This suggests that the world is changing at an increasingly fast pace as time progresses. It's never been more important to be flexible!)

Entrepreneurs must dedicate time to understanding new industry developments, ranging from regulatory changes to emerging market needs.

Embracing new technologies is another critical aspect — I can't emphasize this enough.

In today's digital age, leveraging the latest technological tools can be a game-changer for businesses, offering efficiencies and competitive advantages.

Moreover, the ability to pivot strategies in response to market dynamics is a crucial element of adaptability.

This might mean altering business models, exploring new markets, or revising product lines in response to consumer feedback or competitive pressures.

The agility to make these changes, often swiftly and decisively, can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving in the business world.

(We've also got a blog on "How to Make An AI Assistant" if you're interested. It's really easy, and you don't even need to have any coding skills.)

5. Leadership and management: Steering the ship.

“Your leadership must be comfortable making decisions amidst ambiguity, steering the ship even when the destination isn't crystal clear.” - Jon Morgan, CEO of Venture Smarter

The evolution from a "solopreneur" to a leader of a growing team is a critical transition.

A significant part of this journey involves building a team that shares the vision of the business.

Recruiting the right talent, nurturing their skills, and ensuring they are aligned with the business's objectives becomes paramount.

Remember: According to research by CareerBuilder, the average cost of hiring the wrong employee is $17,000!

Also keep in mind:

Effective delegation is another crucial facet of leadership.

It's about recognizing that you can't do everything yourself and trusting your team with responsibilities.

This empowers employees and allows the entrepreneur to focus on strategic growth areas.

Furthermore, creating and maintaining a positive work environment is crucial for sustaining growth.

A healthy workplace culture:

  • Fosters innovation
  • Encourages open communication
  • Boosts employee morale

This environment is essential for retaining talent and driving productivity.

In essence, good leadership and management are pivotal in guiding a business towards the goals it sets in its business strategy.

They involve a blend of (a) strategic thinking, (b) people management, and (c) creating a culture that supports both individual and company growth.

As the business expands, the entrepreneur's ability to adapt to these leadership roles can significantly influence the trajectory of their venture.

Read more: Effective Leadership and Management Skills for 2024

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6. Customer focus: The core of business success.

Chris Knowles

"An entrepreneur must prioritize their customer approach from the beginning. Commitment to providing the best service possible is foundational to business success. Excellent customer service satisfies clients but, more importantly, turns them into advocates for your business.

In the realm of business, adopting a customer-centric approach is not just important – it's essential." - Chris Knowles, Founder of True Friends Moving Company

This approach requires entrepreneurs to deeply understand and prioritize the needs and preferences of their target market.

It's about viewing the business not just through the lens of products or services but through the eyes of the customers who use them.

To achieve this, entrepreneurs must engage in continuous dialogue with their customers.

This involves gathering feedback through market research using various channels such as surveys, customer reviews, and direct communication.

But more importantly, it requires actively listening and responding to that feedback.

This ongoing interaction helps fine-tune products or services to meet customer expectations better and resolve any issues they face.

Furthermore, understanding customer needs goes beyond reacting to their feedback; it's about anticipating their future needs.

This proactive approach can lead to innovations and improvements that not only satisfy current customers but also attract new ones.

(In short, you need to understand your customers, and extremely well!)

"An important assumption to follow when starting a business is the necessity of legal counsel. While most rules are fairly straightforward on forming an LLC, it is important that you have everything in order before filing your paperwork, which is why it's a good idea to have a lawyer help in this process. 

Additionally, you'll want to make sure you are legally compliant in all other areas, like employment law."

One of entrepreneurship's less glamorous yet absolutely critical aspects involves navigating the complexities of legal and regulatory frameworks.

(Arguably, it's as much as, if not more, stressful than the financial aspects.)

Compliance with laws, regulations, and industry standards is not an option but a necessity for any business.

This legal and regulatory landscape can be intricate and varies greatly depending on the industry, location, and business size.

For entrepreneurs, this means staying informed and compliant with various legal requirements.

These can range from:

  • Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to operate.
  • Adhering to employment laws.
  • Respecting intellectual property rights.
  • Ensuring data protection and privacy laws are followed.

Additionally, there are often industry-specific regulations that must be understood and complied with.

Failure to adhere to these legal and regulatory requirements can lead to significant consequences, including fines, legal disputes, and damage to the business's reputation.

Therefore, it's crucial for entrepreneurs to either develop an understanding of these legal aspects or seek professional advice.

Moreover, compliance is not a one-time task but an ongoing process, as laws and regulations can change.

Taking note of these changes and adapting business operations accordingly is essential to ensure smooth and uninterrupted business operations.

8. Marketing and branding: Competitors will be doing this.

Michael Ashley Headshot

“As the founder of a finance advisory, I believe strategic marketing has been vital in sustaining our success. Tailoring our services and communication to address the specific financial needs of clients has not only built trust but also led to our sustained success by attracting clients genuinely seeking the solutions we provide.” - Michael Ashley, founder of

The development of effective marketing strategies and a strong brand identity are fundamental to the growth and success of any business venture.

Entrepreneurs must assume the responsibility of not just creating products or services but also crafting marketing initiatives that actually resonate with their target audience.

This, of course, requires excellent and thorough market research.

This process is about communicating the business's unique value proposition in a way that connects emotionally and intellectually with potential customers.

Building a brand goes beyond logos and taglines; it encompasses the entire customer experience.

From the initial impression to the post-purchase interaction, every touchpoint is an opportunity to enforce the brand's values and message.

A strong brand creates a sense of identity, trust, and loyalty among customers, which is invaluable in a competitive market.

Furthermore, marketing strategies today need to be dynamic and multifaceted.

This involves leveraging various channels – from traditional media to digital platforms – to reach and engage with audiences.

And definitely don't neglect digital channels:

Research from Statista shows that digital marketing spending in 2023 was around 626.86 billion dollars!

It also means tailoring messages to be relevant and appealing to different market segments.

It's crucial to understand the nuances of different marketing channels and how they can effectively convey the brand's message.

9. Networking and relationship building: The art of connections.

Ryan Esco Headshot

"Networking, especially in competitive and regulated markets, has been a cornerstone of building not just a business's external visibility but also fortifying its internal strengths.

In the world of business, the strength and quality of relationships can often be the deciding factor in achieving success." - Ryan Esco, Chief Marketing Officer at FireRock Marketing.

Entrepreneurs must recognize the importance of networking and actively seek to build and nurture relationships with various stakeholders, including peers, potential clients, investors, and mentors.

Networking is more than just exchanging business cards; it's about establishing meaningful connections that can provide mutual benefits over time.

For entrepreneurs, this means being proactive in attending industry events, joining professional groups, and participating in forums where potential contacts are likely to be.

(Don't know where to begin? Start by connecting with people on LinkedIn.)

Engaging with peers provides a platform for sharing insights and experiences, which can be invaluable in avoiding common pitfalls and learning new strategies.

Potential clients can open doors to new business opportunities, while investors can offer the financial support needed to scale the business.

Perhaps most importantly, mentors can provide guidance, advice, and moral support, especially crucial during the challenging early stages of a business.

Moreover, these relationships should be nurtured with regular communication and by providing value to the other party.

It's about creating a support network where information, referrals, and opportunities can flow freely.

10.Resilience and perseverance: There will be setbacks.

Jamie Frew Headshot

"Being an entrepreneur means fostering a lot of talent, managing a lot of decision-making, and knowing how to discern between business tactics that will lead to wins or losses. That's why resilience is important.

It's one thing to be a constant success driver, which proves one's competence and vast experience; it's another to be able to navigate failures, big or small, and still keep the team morale up and envision how to improve things." - Jamie Frew, co-founder and CEO of Carepatron

Entrepreneurship is a path often fraught with challenges and obstacles, making resilience and perseverance not just beneficial traits but essential for anyone embarking on this journey.

The ability to face difficulties, whether financial setbacks, market shifts, or operational hurdles, and continue moving forward is pivotal for entrepreneurial success.

Resilience in entrepreneurship means having the mental toughness to withstand failures and setbacks without losing motivation.

Be like Elon Musk, who was quoted as saying:

"Never, I don't ever give up. I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated. For my part, I will never give up, and I mean never."

And I think it's his viewpoints that allow for his resilience:

It's about viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than insurmountable barriers.

This mindset allows entrepreneurs like Elon Musk to maintain a positive outlook and stay single-mindedly focused on their strategies, even in the face of adversity.

On the other hand, perseverance is about steadfastness in doing something despite delays or difficulties.

For entrepreneurs, this translates to a persistent pursuit of their vision, regardless of how many times they might stumble along the way.

It involves a commitment to continuous improvement and an unwavering dedication to their business objectives.

These traits are often what distinguish successful entrepreneurs from those who give up.

They enable entrepreneurs to navigate the uncertain waters of business ownership, learning from each experience and emerging stronger and more prepared for future challenges.

We love this video by Motive Facts — Elon Musk really is an inspiration!

It takes all you've got and then some.

Starting and running a business is a complex and demanding endeavor.

By assuming these key responsibilities and developing the right mindsets, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges and enjoy the rewards of their journey.

The path of entrepreneurship is not just about building a business; it's about cultivating a range of skills and attitudes that pave the way for long-term success and fulfillment.

Let's see what you've got!

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What is the first thing an entrepreneur must consider when starting a business?

The first thing an entrepreneur must consider when starting a business is identifying a viable market opportunity. This involves understanding the target audience, the problem the business aims to solve, and the unique value proposition of the product or service.

What are the usual basic assumptions of entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs typically assume risk and uncertainty, the need for continuous innovation and adaptation, and the importance of financial management. They also understand the necessity of commitment in terms of time and effort and the potential for fluctuating income, especially in the early stages.

What are the qualities of a good entrepreneur?

A good entrepreneur possesses qualities such as resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset. They are visionary, able to make decisive decisions, and have strong leadership and management skills. Effective communication, financial acumen, and a customer-centric approach are also essential traits.

What is expected of an entrepreneur who wants to start a business?

An entrepreneur should be prepared to embrace risk and uncertainty, commit significant time and effort, and be adaptable and resilient. They need to possess a strong understanding of their market, have financial acumen, and demonstrate leadership and management skills.

What five key factors should an entrepreneur include in their business plan?

  • Market analysis: Understanding of the target market, competition, and customer needs.
  • Value proposition: Clear statement of the product or service's unique benefits and features.
  • Financial projections: Detailed forecasts of income, expenses, and profitability.
  • Marketing and sales strategy: Plans for promoting and selling the product or service.
  • Operational plan: Description of business operations, including management, staffing, and logistics.

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Joshua J. Brouard has a diverse background. He has studied bachelor of commerce with a major in law, completed SEO and digital marketing certifications, and has years of experience in content marketing. Skilled in a wide range of topics, he's a versatile and knowledgeable writer.